Parkview providing college education and career start for students

Published: Oct. 20, 2022 at 4:05 PM EDT

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (Fort Wayne’s NBC) - Parkview is partnering with Ivy Tech Fort Wayne and Warsaw, the Questa Education Foundation and Fort Wayne Community Schools to launch the Parkview Opportunity Scholars award.

The program will assist 50 Fort Wayne Community School seniors complete a college degree and begin a career.

The award is a forgivable loan that will cover tuition and fees for students. After completing the degree, students will receive full loan forgiveness if they complete the program’s requirements.

The degree must be an associates degree from Ivy Tech Fort Wayne and Warsaw. The student must complete the degree program in two years, and complete at least one year of full-time employment in their degree field with Parkview following graduation.

Qualifying degree programs include clinical healthcare or professional and support services roles such as nursing, medical assisting, accounting, cyber security, public safety and culinary arts.

The Parkview Opportunity Scholars award will become available in 2023.

To apply for a Parkview Opportunity Scholars award, visit